Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good News, NO GREAT NEWS!!

     Ok so on Tuesday Jan 5th I got an email from WHFC and guess what the Judge finally looked at all my paper work and I got my redue list for paperwork!!  Mattie and I was so excited to have heard from the Ridiculus Judge ( that is what Mattie calls him) about baby Jake.  So there are 15 things I need to get done but I already gave WHFC my medical forms, Dr.  certification forms and my FBI finger prints so that leaves 12 items.  Well as of tonight the 7th I have 6 done and 6 to go so I am half way there!!  WHFC wants them by Jan 22nd but I am hoping to get them done by next Friday the 15th so wish we luck.  I am waiting to get my employe letter, letter from my car loan company and the rest of the information I need to get from my Act. so I think it is do able.  
     Yes everything needs to be apostiled so I will be making a few trips to FallRiver but it will get done.  It is just nice to know the Judge has read my stuff and he knows I am working very hard to bring Jake home.  So hopefully I will get a court date in Feb. which means I will be going to LL Ban to get some WARM boots!!!!!


  1. Congrats again. I am very excited for you. We received that list around Thanksgiving 08. Court date about 2 months later. You're almost there! I can't wait!

  2. That is so exciting ... you are almost there ... hang in and soon Jake will be home with you and Mattie!

  3. Another step forward in the right direction to bringing Jake home. YEAH! :)


  4. Thank You for the great comment and for introducing me to your great blog;) Prayers to your journey. Both boys are gorgeous!
