Sunday, February 21, 2010

Court date!!

     Hello,  I finally got THE CALL this past Thursday telling me my court date in March 3rd so I leave for Russia this Wednesday and get to see Jake Friday the 26th.  I am so excited and busy trying to get things done at home, spend time with Mattie, pack and plan my trip to Russia.
     So I will be in Russia for a week and a half then I will come home for about 6 days then back to Russia.  If all goes as planned I will pick up Jake March 17th so Happy St. Patricks day for us.  I think I will have to get a nice Irish knit sweater for Jake on Gotcha Day!!!
     Mattie is excited that his brother is finally almost home and is picking and choosing what toys Jake can play with and what he can't let the brotherly LOVE begin!!!!  Oh and of course Mattie wants a new car from Russia so off to the toy store when I am there.


  1. I am so excited for you. What a great St Pats Day for you. And you will be home for his first Easter this year too! I can't wait to hear more about your trip and definitely see some new photos. Congrats! Keep us posted. Oh, and if you could give me your address, I'd like to send you a card. Thanks!

  2. Finally! It's great to hear you have your court date. Good luck, keep us updated!


  3. YEAH!!! Great news! I know another family who will be there at the same time (staying at the Park Inn) so e-mail me and I'll see if I can hook you guys up! I'm so thrilled to hear of so many families going to Ekat...and most of all, that children are finding loving homes.

    Looking forward to hearing from you in Ekat!


    P.S. Have some of that Cherry Beer for us at the pub, ok?! :)

  4. Just dying to know how wee Jake is doing and that you're all settled in (the Park Inn again or did you go the apt route?).

    Thinking of you!


  5. Ok. THe newest post won't let me comment so I'll do it here. I am so excited for you. Jake looks great. Enjoy The Park and the nice breakfast. I can't wait to hear more. Say hi to Svetlana for us.
