Thursday, February 11, 2010

Possible court dates!! YAH

     OK I got the best email of 2010 today!!!!  I have two possible court dates either Feb 26th or March 3rd, so yes 2 weeks from tomorrow I can be meeting with the judge in Russia and be one step closer to bringing Jake home!!!  Yes Jake mommy will be seeing you soon maybe in little over a week!!
     So Feb. school vacation starts tomorrow so that will give me time to pack, make plans for Mattie, finish my MCAS Alts for work , and get the house ready for Mattie's little brother Jake to finally come home after almost a year!!  
     Well it is 10PM and Mattie and I still have to frost the cupcakes for this school party tomorrow so I will post more details when we get them.


  1. Woooo Hoooo!!! Wish I could celebrate with you :o) That is fantastic, its been far far too long away from your little man....go get him!!

    Glad you liked those nursery pics...perfect for you to get one of Russia and one of China.

    Sooooooo happy for you!! Hope to follow sometime.


  2. Yeah! That's amazing news. It has been far too long. Jack will soon be home. Can't wait to hear more details. Congrats!

  3. So excited for you .... use your vacation to get ready because once they say go ... it will be a whirlwind!!! Can't wait to hear travel dates!!!


  4. What great news! I am so glad to hear you are getting close to having your court date. Keep us updated!

  5. OK, girl -- it's about time! Been way too long since April when we beamed about our kiddos at Dr. Scotch's Pub near the Park Inn. Time for you to go back and this time, come home with Jake!!!


    ~Laura, JD and Kristina :)
