Tuesday, March 2, 2010

getting ready for the JUDGE

Hello  Had another great visit with Jake today.  Do not tell Mattie but he had tights on again with shorts YIKES, but he did have his camo sneakers on that I gave him!!  I brought a coat for him to try on he did not want to so I put it on.  His social worker came today to observe me with him and I think I passed.  Well court tomorrow at 2pm so I have been busy working on my speech.  I think I am finally done with it , I feel like I am back at college doing a term paper but the topic is Jake, Mattie and me, I hope the judge gives me an A!!!  

One of the families got to take their son Thomas out of the baby home and they are heading to Moscow.  He looked so cute and so scared being out in the big old world but he is almost home.

When I was at the baby home the other couple I met Sandy and John were there visiting their twin boys, they are adorable.  I can not wait till we can all get together with our boys!!

Well i am going to try to sleep now and be ready for my big day tomorrow so tune in tomorow night to see how I made out at court!!


  1. Good luck with the judge tomorrow. He seemsnice enough. We actually had him laughing during court! I'm sure your speech will be fine. They do ask some pretty strange questions though. And then you'll be a family of 3! Congrats again. It looks like tomorrow will be a big day for us too. We are most likely heading to an info meeting for WHFC to talk about our experience! Wow!

  2. Good luck with the Judge. Our judge didn't want to hear a speech. I had prepared a brief opening speech but she started right in with questions and there was no opportunity to do one. I know it varies by judge though. Good luck, court for us seemed to fly by. The questions were very reasonable.


  3. Tomorrow is the big day ... you'll do great and when it's over you will be Jake's forever family!!! Can't wait to see the update tomorrow!!!

  4. We're all pulling for you, Beth!!! Don't worry about memorizing everything except for Trip 1 dates, diagnoses and who Jake has been referred to see. Your story is YOUR story and you'll do GREAT.

    We had the lady judge in Ekat but since your agency's cases are heard by the male judge, hopefully he'll be a tad easier.

    It's already Wednesday in Ekat so get a good breakfast at the Park Inn, take a deep breath, and relish in the fact you'll be a Mama again later today! :)

    Laura :)
