Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Surprise visit

     Well we started the day finishing the last part of the paper work chase.  Svtlana picked me up at 10 and the race was started, she really should drive for Nascar!!  Any ways we are all set to get the passport tomorrow.  We went by the baby home to do the last part of the paperwork and the girl from the baby home went to "sign him out of Russia."  So we should be all set to leave for Moscow tomorrow night.  
     While at the baby home we got to talk with the new head doctor who is very sweat!!!  I got 2 pictures of Jake one when he is 2 months old so cute and one more recent.  Also I was surprised to find out he was baptized at the baby home so I got that certificate and a cross that was given to him which I will keep for him.  And then I was asked if I wanted to wait till 4 to see Jake after his nap well of course I did.  So Svtlana went to finish some things and I waited in the play room for about an hour.  I think I snoozed for a bit myself while waiting.
     At about 4 he came running in looking like on of Santa's elf and came right over to me and gave me a big hug.  He had 2 cookies and shared with me actually feeding them to me so cute.  I could tell he was looking for my toy bag and I had none since I did not know I would see him.  But I had a pen, my camera and some hand cream so that entertained him for a short while.  
     Well the playroom got very busy 3 French families and one single mom from New York adopting 2 so there were lots of kids, toys and fu to be had.  Jake found some tools one of the boys had so he was having fun with the hammer and saw and I told him he has lots of tools and a work bench waiting for him at home along with a big brother.  
     One of the little boys were opening the tv stand and is mom would say No but he did not listen till he was told something in Russian then he walked away.  Well then Jake went over to him I think telling him No and pointing his finger at him so I think I have another Bossy boy in the house!!  
     we played till 6:30 then I had to go Svtlana came to pick me up.  When I brought him to his unit he gave me a kiss and a wave good bye and then one of the little boys points to me and says Gena"s (Jakes russian name) Mama it was so cute.  I wonder if Jake reliezes this is his last sleep at Baby House #5 and that tomorrow starts a whole new adventure???  I hope he is ready!!


  1. That is a great surprise! A nice impromtu play date. I bet you enjoyed seeing him play with the other kids. It must have been fun. Good luck with the trip to Moscow. Hopefully he will sleep for you. We ahd bought motion sickness medicine for Colby but he didn't need it. He fell alseep on take off! Other than that, make sure you have books and toys out for the long trip home. We also had a little blanket for him.
    Can't wait for more photos!

  2. What a great post! Looks like you're just about set to bringing Mattie's little brother home -- FINALLY.

    Have a good trip to Moscow (relatively short flight) and we look forward to hearing how your exit from #5 goes. Make sure Svetlana takes lots of pictures of you inside and outside as you depart! It's a precious moment.

    ~Laura :)

  3. He is so adorable... can't wait to hear that you are home!

  4. Congrats, Beth! I got chills reading your post! Can't believe Jake will finally be in your arms FOREVER so soon!! You've been through a very long journey. and soon this chapter will be behind you and the start of a new, amazing one begins! Safe travels home. We can't wait to meet Jake!

    All our love, Sue & Alex
