Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Judge said YES!!!!!!

     Well court went great and the judge said yes I can officialy be John Henry Hurley's Mommy!!  SO Mattie is finally a Older brother because we do not know how long Mattie will be bigger then Jake.  As Russian adoption famlies know court day is nerve racking, especially in Ekat.  We had lunch in the court cafe while we were wating and who walks in but "The Male Judge" so now I can put a face to the person who was in charge of ALL my paper work  and the REDUE list , really my birth certificate expired??  But as you all know I bit my tongue and re did what ever he wanted.
     So court starts with me telling my story, luckely I had it all typed up, and as  am talking I see the judge looking thru my paper work I can see those shinney gold Apostile seels and it was kind of weird seeing him look at pictures of my house. So after that the questions started most where about how i was going to treat my two boys equally.  Then he wanted to know aout discipline so being the positive person that I am I said I would talk to them about what they did wrong and what they should do and he said I thought Americans do TIme  Out, I said oh no at my house we call it gong into the room to think about it.  I got the judge to laught as well as everyone else in the room he asked who would help care for the boys I said my sister, dad, my dad's girl friend then the laughter started I guess grandpa's in Russia do not have girl friends!!
     When the person from  the baby home talked she said how much Jake likes to perform I thought perfect now he can be on America Has Talent with Mattie.  Oh and Jake's social worker said when she saw my age she was surprised I was adopting she said most women my age are expecting grand chIldren,  YIKES I am not that old.   But she said we were a great match. 
     So now the 10 day wait.  I will come home this Saturday and come back next SUnday and pick up Jake on March 17th!!  I will have to get him a nice Irish knit to wear to Moscow.
     So now that court is over I do not know what I am going to do with all my free time no more documents to collect and notarize and Apostile.    


  1. Yeah! I have been waiting for an update about court. I am so happy for you, Mattie, and Jake. What a great day! Travel safe and if you need anything between trips, just email. Congrats again!

  2. Congratulations to the Hurley FAMILY!! Ha, ha...your birth certificate "expired" and according the to female judge in Ekat, our Marriage Certificate "expired". For a moment there, Jon thought he was FREE!!! :)

    And now you're wondering what you'll do with all your downtime with no more paperwork...what free time, my dear? You have two beautiful boys who will keep you out of trouble!!

    ,rifjfjfiutkkkkerrouhhhhkkkklkkk --> Kristina says Congrats (note the abundance of "Ks" -- her favorite letter).

    ~Laura, Jon and Kristina

  3. Free time ... there is NO MORE free time ... all that time you spent chasing paperwork will now be spent chasing 2 active little boys!!!!

    Congratulations ... you have made it through EVERYTHING and now life can begin for the new HURLEY family!!! So excited for you and can't wait to meet Jake!!

    Christine, Stephen, Roman and Maxim

  4. Congratulations! So good to hear the good news. The rest is really easy. The embassy in Moscow was no problem at all for us.


  5. Congrats to you all!! Glad the wait and paperwork is all behind you and you can get to the business of being a FAMILY!! Hope I get to post the same news soon.


  6. Yay...congrats!! SOOOO happy for you:)

    Referral coming anyday!!
